Monday, November 10, 2008

Tomorrow Is Another Day...

What a profound statement!
Tomorrow: existing or occurring at a later time...

How much time should one spend contemplating tomorrow? I guess it just depends on how important time is to a person.

I knew a man once who started saving for his future at age 20, working at a job that paid a medium but steady wage.

He saved his money diligently, allowing nothing to interfere with his savings plan.

First he put his savings aside, then he paid his bills and only then, if there was anything left over, entertained himself.

At twenty six he married a woman six years his junior. The woman he chose had a good paying job and was easy to love and together they bought a house and made a home.

They delayed having children until they would determine there was enough fortune to warrant a larger family.

Finally, at age 43, the man checked his savings and found he could pay for a small manufacturing company he had investigated. It made a product for which there was always a great demand and it was now owned by an elderly gentleman who wished to retire.The present owner had purposely kept the business small, with only himself and a single employee, so he would never be overtaxed by running it.

The man could see great potential for improving and growing the company and he and his wife agreed it would be an excellent move to buy the company.

They went to the bank and drew out enough cash for the full amount of the purchase price of the company. The man called the present owner and arranged to meet him the next morning to pay for the company and consummate the deal. The man and his wife were very happy and congratulated each other on their pending accomplishment, the product of years of hard work and saving. They went upstairs to their bedroom to sleep that night with happy anticipation, looking forward to tomorrow.

That night there was a small temblor, a very minor earthquake and a gas line in their kitchen broke and gas quickly filled the lower floor of their house and a spark from a thermostat ignited the gas and caused an explosion and the couple were killed.

Ofttimes the quest is more rewarding than the discovery. They died happy.

So much for tomorrow.



Ca... said...

Wow, how profound! Depressing, but profound!

Ca... said...

Well, someone had to comment!