Friday, July 17, 2009

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle...

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle...

There has been much ado about crazy goings-on and mysterious happenings in and around the part of the Atlantic Ocean in the Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico area. This area is called the Bermuda Triangle for want of better name and, as you can see, when lines are drawn connecting these three places, the area does resemble a triangle. (For the uninformed, triangle literally means,-three angles)

Within this area strange things have happened. Among other things, entire ships have disappeared and air planes have disappeared. To understand what is happening in this area, one needs to understand a bit about the earth and its construction and makeup.

For instance, the earth is made up of four distinct layers; the inner core which is a solid, extremely hot chunk of metal,- the outer core, which is made of the same metal as the inner core except this extremely hot metal is liquid and moves constantly in accordance with the rotation of the earth, the mantle which is made up of all kinds of materials, rocks and minerals and is not very hot (relatively) and is the thickest of the layers,- and the crust which is the thinnest of the layers and is the layer about which is known the most. We will speak in relative terms.

We know that the earths density and the movements of the different layers (particularly the inner and outer cores) are responsible for the magnetic force which surrounds the earth. It is believed that the magnetic fields are what migratory birds and animals use to chart and stay on the course they use to get to and from their different destinations. There are many other things that are influenced by the magnetic fields.

The amount of radiating emissions of the magnetic fields is determined by the thicknesses of the crust, mantle and outer core and there is a slight fluctuation of magnetic radiance from place to place, depending on that thickness.

The crust is an inch thick while the mantle is ten inches thick, the thickest of the layers. The outer core is six inches thick and the inner core is four inches thick. (all in relative approximations-not to scale)

Now we need to eliminate all underwater fissures and trenches such as the Marianas Trench, which, at almost seven miles deep is the deepest known fissure in the ocean floor. And we need to disregard the highest point on earth, Mount Everest, which is almost five and a half miles above sea level. We will imagine the average elevation between those points and use that. We'll say about six and a quarter miles as a mean. (average)

Now, we will assume that the amount of radiation in the form of a magnetic field is equal all around the earth, so to speak. (Or it should be,-depending on normal fluctuations between the poles, equator and etc)
And, when all is said and done, each spot on earth has an equal radiance of magnetic force. (bouncing off an imagined wall) And, of course, the needle will always point north when placed on a body of water in any container; (or south) the same as a compass.

Now that we have had our lesson in magnetism, fields and the like, let's make our finding. In the 40s, several US military airplanes flew over the Bermuda Triangle and were never heard from again. There were many ships and planes lost both before and after those military planes were lost. We won't go into the specifics. You can look that up any time using Google.

In fact, there is a very large spot under the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle where the mantle is thinner than anywhere else on earth because of a bulge (herniation) caused by pressure from the outer core. The outer core has, for some unknown reason, pushed it's way into the mantle by such an amount as to cause the magnetic field to fluctuate to the degree that makes that area not navigable. (In years to come, the earth itself may begin to feel a slight wobble because of the bulge in the outer core) This affects both airplanes and ships.

And, as for the loss of ships in that area; they sink very quickly (too fast to signal for help or escape) when bubble emissions come up from the sea floor under the ship. These emissions are from several sources; underwater volcanism, trapped air being released from some source and even methane gas released from some place by an underwater earthquake or some such occurrence. If bubbles in monstrous quantities or methane gas rose under a ship of any size, great or small, it would greatly reduce the density of the water and that ship would sink like a rock.

There you have it. Some will call this 'just another theory' but they are free to examine this and make any comment they wish. For my part, I am satisfied that these are the facts so there is really no need to wonder about this 'Bermuda Triangle' mess anymore.

Please don't think you need to thank me; this had to be said and cleared up once and for all and it fell to me to say it. That's what I'm here for!

PS...and, by the way, fyi, there is another strange place right across the earth from the Bermuda Triangle, just south of Japan, called, "The Dragons Triangle" which does the same weird stuff as does the Bermuda one.
